California Baptist University


Faith-Based Programs at California Baptist University

Colorado Christian University appears in our ranking of the Top 10 Great Deals: Bachelor’s in Theology and Christian Studies Degrees Online.

California Baptist University has a variety of degree programs, all taught with a Christian world-view. Many of the degree paths are unique to this university, and the school offers a large number of online degree programs.

The Accounting programs feature a Bachelor of Science in Accounting and a Bachelor of Science, Accounting Online. They have the same requirements and courses. The traditional program is completed in four years and the online degree in 36 months. There is also a Master of Science in Accounting that is presented online. It contains 30 units in the major and takes 12 months to complete.

There are several programs in Aviation and Aerospace at CBU. Students can earn a minor that contains 25 units with courses like Introduction to Aviation and Aerodynamics. There are B.S. in Aviation degrees in Dispatch and in Management, along with minors in those specialties. The university also offers minors in Unmanned Systems and Missionary Aviation. The B.S. in Aviation, Flight leads to a career as a pilot. It is offered with concentrations in:

  • Dispatch
  • Commercial Airplane Pilot
  • Professional Airplane Pilot

There is also a B.S, in Aviation, Management that equips professionals to manage airports and airlines.

The school has a Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering and an M.S. in Biomedical Sciences. According to information on the school website, Forbes Magazine says that this field is the most valuable college major today. In addition to those programs, there are six other programs in biology.

The school has five Communications programs. There is:

  • a B.S. In Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • a B.A. in Communication Studies that is offered on campus or online
  • an M.A. in Communication that is offered online
  • a Minor in Communication Studies.

California Baptist University has several degree programs meant to enhance Christian ministry. Students can earn a Bachelor of Arts or a Minor in Christian Behavioral Sciences. There is a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry that is presented online and a Christian Studies program that can be earned as a Bachelor of Arts or as a Minor. In addition to these programs, CU has a Bachelor of Arts and a Minor in Comedic Arts. This program is one of only three in the nation. Some of the courses featured in the program are Comedy in Christian Ministry and Public Relations. The degree program has 36 credits in the major and requires an internship.

There are many undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs available at this university, including a PSY.D. in Clinical Psychology and a plethora of education degrees, among others.

About California Baptist University

This private liberal arts university was founded in 1950. The school is comprised of 11 colleges. Not surprisingly, considering the Comedy programs, the US News and World Report ranks CBU as #7 of Most Innovative Schools. It is also ranked as #32 in Regional Universities West. There are 10,486 students enrolled at the school, and most classes have fewer than 20 students. The student/faculty ratio is 17:1. California Baptist University has:

  • 76 undergraduate majors
  • 52 minors
  • 31 master’s-level programs
  • three doctoral programs
  • certificate programs.

The school has a 100-percent Christian faculty. It focuses on community involvement but also sends students abroad to engage in construction and infrastructure projects.

California Baptist University Accreditation Details

The university is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities.

Other accrediting bodies are:

  • The Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
  • The National Association of Schools of Music (NASM)
  • The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)
  • The Commission for Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)
  • The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
  • The Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
  • The Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH)
  • The American Council for Construction Education

California Baptist University Application Requirements

Students applying as freshmen should complete an online form and pay the non-refundable application fee of $45. They must also write a three-to-five paragraph essay on what they hope to gain from their student experiences at CBU. Additionally, students must arrange to have their official high school transcripts and the official scores of the SAT or ACT tests sent the university.

Those applying to the school as graduate students should choose the correct application form to complete from the nine available. They must also complete a FAFSA form and arrange to have their undergraduate transcripts sent to CBU. Other required documentation varies by program. Students should check the program websites for requisites and deadlines.

Tuition and Financial Aid

California Baptist University encourages all its students to complete the FAFSA form. Higher education is an investment in the future, and it is not inexpensive.

Undergraduate tuition at CBU is $32,942 for a year. There are additional fees and costs for housing and meal plans. The estimated cost-of-attendance for freshmen at California Baptist University is $44,722 plus books, supplies and personal expenses.

Graduate tuition varies by program. It ranges from $605 to $858 per-credit-hour for master’s degree programs. It’s $897 to $950 per-credit-hour for doctoral programs. There are other fees and expenses in addition to that amount as well.

The FAFSA program uses financial data contained in the application to award grants, loans and work-study hours to students with financial need. It is also used by many schools to qualify students for other grants and scholarships. California sponsors:

  • the Cal Grant
  • The DREAM Grant
  • the Chaffee Grant
  • other assistance

CBU has several grants available as well. Some of these are the Multiple Sibling Grant which helps families with more than one child attending the school, The CBU Grant and others. It also helps  freshmen with academic excellence with:

  • the President’s Scholarship
  • the Trustee’s Scholarship
  • the Dean’s Scholarship

The university has scholarships for students in specific programs and majors in addition to money for those participating in sports, music programs and other activities. To find out more about school assistance students should go to the CBU website.

There are external scholarships and grants as well. These are funded by:

  • private individuals
  • service and religious organizations
  • corporations

You can find these through an Internet search.

Students who have exhausted all their “free” money ( funds that do not have to be repaid) and who still have student debt should think about applying for student loans. Some of these are offered through FAFSA, but there are also loans administered through universities and through private lending entities. These special loans carry a lower interest rate and usually offer the opportunity to defer repayment until after graduation.

Another great option for paying for degree programs at California Baptist University is taking part-time jobs or utilizing the work-study opportunity. These resources not only flesh out a resume but afford valuable job experience.

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