What types of courses are offered in a Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness degree program?

It is important that you compare the Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Degree program course offerings before enrolling in a specific program. A degree  in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Studies, teaches you the theories of recreation so you can help people live healthier and happier lives. This is a fun career path where you will have the opportunity to make a difference. What you are prepared to do in your professional endeavors post-college all depends on the coursework that you take.

What Are Some of the Typical Major Courses?

When you major in a specific area of study, you will take general courses, core courses and electives so that you can tailor your degree to meet your needs. Core courses, which are also known as major courses, are related specifically to the profession you are studying.

Since you are interested in earning a degree in Parks and Recreation, all of the major coursework will be centered on theories pertaining to leisure. Here are some of the courses you can expect to be required to complete before you can graduate:

  • Philosophy of leisure
  • Program and event planning
  • Administration of leisure services
  • History of leisure
  • Area and facility design
  • Marketing in recreation
  • Recreation for specific populations
  • Leadership in recreation
  • Introduction to park management
  • Recreation financial management
  • Legal issues in sports and recreation
  • Training in recreation

Choosing Electives to Satisfy Additional Requirements

The core courses vary from school to school, but they are classes that you must take before you graduate. The electives are more flexible and allow you to decide what you want to learn more about. You should consider where you plan on going once you graduate school and what knowledge would be most useful to take with you. Once you put that into consideration, you can select the courses that satisfy credit requirements. Some options may include:

  • Outdoor leadership
  • Outdoor research
  • Recreation area planning
  • Programming
  • Community management
  • Park and resource protection

What to Consider When You Choose a Degree Program

If you want to get the most out of attending college, you need to put effort into choosing the right degree program. The first thing to consider is the type of degree you want to earn. A majority of prospective students will pursue a Bachelor’s degree to enter parks and recreation professions.

After you have chosen the type of degree, you need to focus on narrowing your long list of options. The best way to do this is to search for programs with a specialized accreditation through the Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism and Related Professions (COAPRT). Once you have narrowed the options the search will not feel so overwhelming.

Review the curriculum sheets of all of the colleges you would like to attend. Once you can see the Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Degree program course offerings firsthand, you can decide which ones you would prefer to take. It is important that you compare the Parks, Recreation, Leisure and Fitness Degree program course offerings before enrolling in a specific program. When you study for a degree in this major, you are taking a college program that teaches you the theories of recreation so that you can help people live healthier and happier lives. What you are prepared to do in your professional endeavors post-college all depends on the coursework that you take.

Resource: 20 Best Deals on Colleges for Dreamers

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