What is the Salary Potential of a Human Resource Officer?

When a person is deciding what type of undergraduate major to pursue, it is important to know what the salary potential of a human resource officer is. This may be a consideration for your career path. Knowing the salary potential for this job based on location, education and other factors also make it easier for you to decide whether or not a job offer includes a fair rate of pay.

Pay Range for a Human Resource Officer

In May 2018, the annual salary for human resources officers was $60,880. The lowest 10 percent  earned an average annual salary of $36,270. The highest 10 percent of earners had an average annual salary of $104,930. It is important to consider who may be in the lowest 10 percent and the highest 10 percent of earners. The lowest 10 percent of earners may be new hires with little or no work experience. They may be located in low-cost living areas. The highest 10 percent of earners may have many years or even decades of experience in human resources. They may reside in places with a high cost of living.

Salary Range By Industry of Employment

Many industries employ human resource officers. While the functions of a human resource officer are similar no matter what the industry, some areas of employment pay better than others. The top-paying industry for human resource officers is professional, scientific and technical services. The average annual salary of $68,620 as of May 2018. The other top-paying industries for human resource officers include:

  • government
  • manufacturing
  • employment services
  • healthcare
  • social assistance

Salary By State

A candidate could also assess the salary potential of a human resource officer by state or district. Washington, D.C. has the highest pay for the United States, with an average annual wage of $93,880 as of May 2018. Other states in the top five highest-paying areas include:

  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • New York
  • New Jersey

Candidates should be sure to take a look at the cost of living and compare it to the salary to get a feel for how far their wages would go.

Salary By Geographic Area or City

Another way to explore the salary potential of a human resource officer is to examine the pay by geographic area or city. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the metropolitan area with the highest average rate of pay for human resource officers is California – Lexington Park, MD, with an average annual salary exceeding $88,000. Also in the top 10 cities or metro areas for highest pay are:

  • San Francisco
  • Washington, D.C.
  • San Jose
  • Barnstable Town
  • Kennewick
  • Boulder

All of these areas have annual mean wages above $80,000 for human resource officers.

Related Resource: Top 10 Best Deals on Online MBA and Online Master’s in Human Resources Management Degrees

While the rate of pay is not the only factor that a person might consider when looking for jobs, it is a big one. Knowing the median salary based on industry, state and other factors could play a big role in where a person decides to live and which type of job they are willing to accept. Knowing the salary potential of a human resource officer facilitates a person’s personal and professional future plans.

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