5 Popular Online Bachelor Degrees

  • Psychology
  • Communications
  • Nursing
  • Foreign Language
  • Education

It is now easier than ever for you to achieve your career goals because of the rise of online higher education. The challenge is to determine which bachelor degrees are best suited for distance learning and also form the foundation for your desired career path. Here are five popular online bachelor degrees that have led many to successful and fulfilling professions.

1. Psychology

Psychology is a popular online bachelor degree because of its versatility. A background in psychology opens doors to numerous career opportunities. As one of the most popular degrees in higher education, psychology was one of the first to be transformed into the online platform. This means that there are many programs out there to choose from that have been perfected through time.

2. Communications

Many people wonder how one can become an effective communicator when they never have face-to-face conversations with their peers and professors. First, the world is moving rapidly into a digital space. Distance communication is no longer so much a hindrance as a skill that one must hone to be successful. Second, technology has advanced to the point where video communication replicates in-person communication to near perfection. Online communications degrees require a great deal of writing. Good written communication is a timeless skill that many are losing due to the onslaught of text language and instant messaging.

3. Nursing

When online nursing degrees began to surface, people were caught off guard. It is one thing to communicate remotely. It’s entirely another thing to learn how to heal human bodies without human contact. This is based on a misconception about online education. Online nursing students do eventually enter into a traditional environment to put their new knowledge into practice.  U.S. News & World Report provides tips for choosing an accredited online nursing program.

4. Foreign Languages

Earning a foreign language bachelor’s degree online is another obvious choice for distance learning. Reading, writing, listening and speaking form the backbone of becoming an expert on a second language. These can all be easily accomplished via modern technology. Building a career out of a language requires time spent with the people and in the land of that native language.

Related Resource: Top 50 Great Deals on Bachelor Degrees Online

5. Education

Similar to the other majors discussed here,  an online bachelor degree in education follows the same path electronically as it does traditionally. You start by learning and then transition into practice. All education programs end in a real classroom with real students. But online education students do so with one distinct advantage. Students as young as kindergarteners are beginning to use technology and online platforms in their curriculum. Earning an online education degree makes graduates experts on this and therefore better able to set their students up for success and communicate these resources to parents.

These five popular online bachelor degrees are making a name for themselves in the world of higher education. They offer quality academic experiences at a lower price and with a great deal more flexibility. Online education is the way of the future, and the future is looking bright.

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