What is Digital Marketing?

Almost all modern businesses need to employ digital marketing to be competitive. This is a relatively simple concept but has many complexities to it. This guide aims to describe this particular type of marketing in-depth. It will look at its different aspects. It will show why it is so critical to helping businesses stand out from their competitors in the online marketplace.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a concept largely tied to online marketing. Content marketing is one of the most effective types of marketing. Why? Because it involves businesses providing useful information and engaging content to users rather than trying to sell them something outright. This content can be in the form of:

  • blog posts
  • videos
  • social media posts and more

To be effective, content marketing needs to be both consistent and targeted. This means  online feeds need to be updated frequently and the content needs to be tailored to a specific target audience. It achieves several goals at the same time, including:

  • proving a company’s professional knowledge
  • building a relationship with customers
  • ultimately driving profitable sales.

Digital Advertising

Online advertising is a very useful tool that should be included in most digital marketing plans. It involves paid advertising on the Internet, which can be done from many different sources. Ads on search engines are a common form of it. Companies can use tools such as Google Ads to create tailored advertisements that are then shown on Google’s search result pages. The major social media sites allow businesses to advertise via promoted posts or standalone ads. Companies can also reach out to sites to advertise privately through them directly. Another method of digital advertising is through sponsorships. Companies sponsor an episode of a popular web show or podcast in return for ad space.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

This is a term familiar to many people by now. It is fairly common knowledge that using keywords to increase search engine rankings improves website visibility. SEO plays an important role in content and social media marketing, where mirroring potential search terms makes it much easier for users to find content. This in turn often improves sales. It is not just keywords and phrases that are important to consider. Links, especially links to reputable sites, also serve to strengthen SEO. This is because the search engines connect those sites as both offering good information.

E-Mail Newsletters

A final aspect of digital marketing that is commonly used in marketing plans are e-mail newsletters. These provide useful, tailored updates to users who sign up to receive them. Several tactics can be deployed to both get users to sign up for e-mail newsletters as well as open and read them when received. Offering a free sample or discount is a great way to encourage customers to sign up. Entrepreneur lists as all essential to making a great newsletter:

  • concise, creative subject lines
  • informative content
  • an attractive layout

Marketers should be sure to pay attention to analytics that tell them who is interacting with their mailings and make changes accordingly if undesirable patterns are noticed.

Related Resource: MBA Marketing Degrees Online: 10 Best Deals

Understanding online marketing is necessary for all marketers and entrepreneurs. This is true whether representing a purely local business or one that operates entirely online. Digital marketing is simply a set of strategies that companies include in their marketing plan and use to stand out from their competition on the web.

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