5 Study Tips For Student Athletes

According to US News, student athletes have many unique challenges, from building a brand to juggling study time. There are several ways for college athletes to manage their study time and make the most of it.

1. Study Between Classes

Most college athletes have demanding training and practice schedules. By late evening, they are usually too tired to study. Facing a late-night study session followed by little sleep and an early morning is not a beneficial routine. Studying between classes can cut down on the amount of evening study time required. It is also a good way to stay dedicated and avoid wasting free time. One good way to help retain information is to write it down or type it. These notes can be used for quick reference later on.

2. Look For Audio Books

Reading takes up a considerable amount of time for every college student. Textbook chapters can be 100 pages or more in length. Since most college athletes run, jog and stretch to stay in shape, they often use mobile devices and headphones to listen to music. To cut down on study time away from training and the classroom, look for audio versions of a textbook. Many interactive electronic textbooks also have a speech option. Listen to the audio book instead of music to stay ahead in every class.

3. Make Flash Cards For Tests

Writing information on a flash card is a good way to remember it. Use different colors of pens for different subjects when making flash cards for tests. The flash cards are easy to review during training breaks and while traveling to out-of-town games. Students who prefer to use their smartphones or tablets can also find a variety of free apps for creating quiz flash cards. Some sites provide pre-made flash cards for popular textbooks. It is always best for tired athletes to prepare for tests in advance instead of staying up late for a cramming session.

4. Pinpoint Optimal Study Times

Most people have a specific time of day when they are more productive. For most people, this period is in the early morning to late afternoon. However, some people focus better and learn more at night. Try studying at different times during the day to see which ones are ideal for information retention and focus. Make a habit of studying the most during these times whenever possible. Also, be sure to focus on tougher classes at ideal times. For example, a college athlete who studies best in the morning and is good at writing but bad at math should try to focus on math studies at his or her optimal study time.

5. Recite Information While Training

Many athletes train hard for better endurance. Everyone has their own way of getting through tough training. From listening to music to counting, there are several distraction options. A good way to use this time is to recite information for a test or an important class. For example, a student who is in pre-med could recite a list of illnesses and their symptoms or unique identifiers. This is a good way to commit important information to long-term memory.

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To optimize their study habits, college athletes should eat a balanced diet and get plenty of sleep. Since college is also about having fun and socializing, it is good to set aside one or two evenings per week to socialize or study with friends. This will help cut down on the temptation to party hard and wind up losing a scholarship or dropping out school.

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