What Type of Job Can I Get With A Degree In Statistics?

The interest that you have in statistics and mathematics can qualify to you work in a number of fields. You may want to look at some of the more popular statistics jobs open to college graduates. While some entry-level jobs are perfect for those with just a bachelor’s degree, many of the jobs in this field require a minimum of a master’s degree or even a doctoral degree. You can use your degree to work in:

  • the finance sector
  • in research fields
  • the political science industry
  • in education

Financial Analyst

Some of the statistics jobs available today are in the finance sector. Financial companies need those with a statistics background to analyze data for clients, including:

  • large corporations
  • nonprofit organizations
  • individuals

As an analyst, you might track changes in the stock market and identify which stocks are on the rise and which stocks are about to drop. You can then recommend that clients invest their money in different stocks. Some analysts also help clients determine how to best spend their money and how to cut down on costs to work within a budget.

Research Assistant

When you graduate with a bachelor’s degree, you’ll likely find that there are few jobs available or open to you. One of the entry-level positions suitable for those with a bachelor’s in statistics is that of a research assistant. You may even take on one of these jobs at a local college to pay your way through graduate school. College research assistants often work with professors to analyze and validate data. They might:

  • look at medical treatments used to cure or treat specific diseases
  • analyze research done in the computer lab on campus
  • conduct research into new learning methods

Election Analyst

The presidential elections may only come around every four years, but there are elections held every two years in the country. As an election analyst, you’ll typically work for a committee or organization associated with a specific political party. You might work for an individual candidate. Others working on the campaign will call prospective voters and ask them questions about both candidates and issues. Analysts are the ones who take a detailed look at that data. You’ll use that data to determine which candidates have the most support and which issues are the most important to voters.

College Professor

Statistics jobs in the education sector include the professors working for colleges across the country. Getting a job in this field usually requires that you have a doctoral degree and some work experience. Many community colleges hire professors who have just a master’s degree. Some schools may hire teachers who have a bachelor’s or master’s degree and five to 10 years of experience. Once you have tenure, the college will often grant you a permanent position and give you more time to work on your independent research projects. The Bureau of Labor Statistics puts the annual median salary or college professors at more than $72,000.

Related Resource: 20 Best Deals on Small Colleges for STEM

Students working on statistics degrees spend a lot of time working on research projects and taking higher level mathematics courses. Some statistics jobs are only open to those with a master’s or doctoral degree. However, you may find some entry-level positions that you qualify for after finishing your bachelor’s degree.

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