How Do Student Athletes Complete Coursework While Traveling?

Many student athletes struggle to complete coursework while traveling because of hectic, demanding schedules. There are many techniques and opportunities that help student athletes meet their program’s study requirements.

Take Advantage of Student Resources

Most schools offer special resources and policy exceptions for student athletes. Schools usually provide information fairs that introduce student athletes to clubs and organizations that may help. They may also have information booths that provide helpful resources. Colleges with strong student-athletic programs may offer unique academic services, such as:

  • exclusive access to libraries
  • study halls
  • departmental facilities

Student athletes who spend a short amount of time on their campus will have limited familiarity of the school. Becoming familiar with the school will help students successfully complete coursework.

Communicate with Faculty

Student athletes who are always on the road will struggle to communicate with professors. Even for regular students, frequent contact with professors outside the classroom is difficult. This is because of busy schedules and demanding duties. If possible, student athletes should attempt to meet with staff or faculty during designated office hours. Bear in mind that students who attend regular classes will have opportunities to get involved in non-classroom activities, such as:

  • eating together in the cafeteria
  • engaging in activities at the rec center
  • interacting with others in the student center

These informal student-faculty interactions have a positive effect on academic performance and intellectual development. Therefore, student athletes should regularly email or phone their professors in order to establish a positive, respectful relationship.

Preparation Tips

The night before student athletes leave for an away game, they should organize:

  • notes
  • quizzes
  • reading assignments

This will allow them to leave behind unnecessary materials while traveling. It will also help them access what they need while traveling on the bus or waiting in transition. It’s a good idea to create flash cards or write notes before boarding the bus. Traveling has a negative impact on hand writing. At night, buses will be dark, so invest in an inexpensive headlamp. Student athletes will most likely be taking similar classes, so it’s wise to form a study group that can talk while on the bus or meet in the hotel. A laptop with a fully charged battery is necessary. But it must be properly managed through productive study goals.

The Benefits of Online Schooling

Many student athletes prefer distance education to meet their academic needs. Online classes are flexible, so they accommodates a rigorous training schedule. Online students are able to adapt their academic schedules around their sports and training obligations. Student athletes can access and study lessons while on the bus or in the hotel room with a laptop. Ideally, student athletes will be able to connect with staff or faculty while they are online to receive real-time instruction and feedback. When it comes to colleges with successful athletic teams, faculty will be more flexible with helping student athletes while they are traveling. Being able to arrange learning activities around competing and conditioning will help athlete students plan adequate time for:

  • sleep
  • socializing
  • relaxation

There are both traditional and technologically innovative ways for athlete students to complete coursework while traveling. To learn more, visit the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s (NCAA) website.

Related Resource: 20 Best Deals: Small Colleges for Athletic Types

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